In Advanced Functions...(Course Breakdown)
Functions: Characteristics and Properties
- Properties of Graphs of Functions
- Sketching Graphs of Functions
- Exploring Operations with Functions
Functions: Understanding Rates of Change
- Determining Average Rate of Change
- Estimating Instantaneous Rates
- Solving Problems Involving Rates of Change
Polynomial Functions
- Exploring Polynomial Functions
- Characteristics of Polynomial Functions
- Properties of Graphs of Functions
- Polynomial Functions in Factored Form
- Transformations of Cubic and Quartic Functions
- Factoring a Sum or Difference of Cubes
Polynomial Equations and Inequalities
- Solving Polynomial Equations
- Solving Linear Inequalities
- Solving Polynomial Inequalities
- Rates of Change in Polynomial Functions
Rational Functions, Equations, and Inequalities
- Graphs of Reciprocal Functions
- Exploring Quotients of Polynomial Functions
- Graphs of Rational Functions of the Form f(x)
- Solving Rational Equations
- Solving Rational Inequalities
- Rates of Change in Rational Functions
Trigonometric Functions
- Radian Measure and Angles on the Cartesian Plane
- Exploring Graphs of the Primary Trigonometric Functions
- Transformations of Trigonometric Functions
- Exploring Graphs of the Reciprocal Trigonometric Functions
- Modelling with Trigonometric Functions
- Rates of Change in Trigonometric Functions
Trigonometric Identities and Equations
- Exploring Equivalent Trigonometric Functions
- Proving Trigonometric Identities
- Solving Linear Trigonometric Equations
- Solving Quadratic Trigonometric Equations
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- Exploring the Logarithmic Function
- Transformations of Logarithmic Functions
- Solving Logarithmic Equations
- Solving Problems with Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- Rates of Change in Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
In Data Management...(Course Breakdown)
Tools for Data Management
- Statistics of One/Two Variable
- Permutations and Organized Counting
- Combinations and the Binomial Theorem
- Probability Distributions
In Calculus...(Course Breakdown)
- Limit of continuity at a point
- Limit as x Approaches to Infinity
Differential calculus
- Rules of Power, Sum and Difference
- Product Rule and Quotient Rule
- Derivative of Trigonometric Functions
- Derivative of Exponential Functions
- Derivative of The Natural Log Functions
Differential Calculus and Curve Sketching
- Curve Sketching - Increasing and Decreasing Functions
- Curve Sketching - Global Maxima and Minima
- The Second Derivative and its Application
- Rational Functions - Sketching the Graph
Applications of Differential Calculus
- Kinematics - Motion Along a Straight Line
- Applied Maxima and Minima Problems
Integration and Its Applications
- Antidifferentiation & The Indefinite Integral
- Determining The Indefinite Integral
- Applications of Integration
- Introduction to the Area Beneath a Curve
- The Definite Integral and Areas
- Applications to Kinematics
In Vectors...(Course Breakdown)
An Introduction to Vectors
- Addition and Subtraction of Vectors
- Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar
- Operations with Algebraic Vectors in R2 and R3
- Linear Combinations and Spanning Sets
Applications of Vectors
- The Dot Product of Two Geometric/Algebraic Vectors
- Scalar and Vector Projections
- The Cross Product of Two Vectors
- Applications of the Dot Product and Cross Product
Equations of Lines and Planes
- Vector and Parametric Equations of a Line in R2
- Cartesian Equation of a Line
- Vector, Parametric, and Symmetric Equations of a Line in R3
- Vector and Parametric Equations of a Plane
- The Cartesian Equation of a Plane
Extension Concepts...(Course Breakdown)
- Integration By Substitution